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sf commands not recognised

Hello everyone,

In VSCode, when I try to run the sf project generate manifest command:

sf project generate manifest --source-dir force-app --name myNewManifest

I get the following error message: 

Warning: project generate manifest is not a sf command

I've installed salesforcecli via npm and have updated to the latest version:

@salesforce/cli: Updating CLI... already on version 2.7.11-5a5b1de

I have a Salesforce project (directory with a sfdx-project.json file in it) and, in the terminal, I am in the top level of the directory.

Is there anything in the above info that I am doing incorrectly? Or is this maybe a Salesforce CLI bug?


AshwiniAshwini (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Teeps54,

Can you try using below command:
sfdx force:source:manifest:create --sourcepath force-app --manifestname myNewManifest
You can refer below link which can help you with commands to generate manifest file.

If this information helps, please mark the answer as best. Thank you