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Sree Ranjani GangavarapuSree Ranjani Gangavarapu 

We could not find a unique page called FSC Lending Home. Make sure there is only one page called FSC Lending Home and try again.

Hi All,I am getting this error on my trailhead financial Service cloud super badge.
We could not find a unique page called FSC Lending Home. Make sure there is only one page called FSC Lending Home and try again.
Need help
VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Please note that Questions about how to pass Trailhead challenges are not on topic, because these challenges are intended to be independent demonstrations of your abilities.

Trailhead Help ( can provide assistance for situations where Trailhead does not appear to be functioning correctly. You can reach out to them if this is the case.

Please close the thread by selected as Best Answer so that we can keep our community clean

frinksa lilinasfrinksa lilinas
To resolve this issue, you should perform the following steps:

Check for Duplicate Page Names:

Go to your Salesforce Setup.
Use the Quick Find box to search for "Lightning App Builder."
Click on "Lightning App Builder."
In the Lightning App Builder, look for the page named "FSC Lending Home" and ensure there is only one page with that name. If there are duplicates, delete the duplicates.
Assign the Correct Page:

After ensuring there is only one page named "FSC Lending Home," make sure that it is assigned as the correct Home Page for the relevant Lightning App, which is likely associated with your Trailhead challenge. smart square login wellstar (
Clear Cache and Refresh:

Sometimes, issues like this can be resolved by clearing your browser cache and refreshing the page. Try doing this and see if it resolves the issue.
Review Trailhead Instructions:

Carefully review the instructions provided in the Trailhead Superbadge to make sure you have configured everything correctly. Ensure that the page name matches the expected value.
Trailhead Community and Salesforce Support:

If you are still encountering issues after following the above steps, consider reaching out to the Trailhead Community or Salesforce support for more specific assistance. They can provide guidance based on the details of your particular challenge.
By following these steps and ensuring that there is only one page named "FSC Lending Home" and it's correctly assigned, you should be able to resolve the error and progress with your Trailhead Superbadge.