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Find out if a custom field is updated by flow

Is there anyway to find out if a custom field is updated by a regular user or by a process like flow? I have two custom fields "Order Date" and "Activation Date" on a custom object. The requirement is to auto populate the "Order Date" whenever the "Activation Date" is changed. However, if the "Order Date" field is manually updated by a regular user, the flow should not override it.

Is there anyway to find out if the "Order Date" field is updated by a regular user or by the flow without having another helper field?
Venkata YammanuruVenkata Yammanuru

As per your flow logic whenever "Activation Date" field is populated/changed the same value will always be populating to "Order Date" field.

Now when user manually populate "Order Date" either from Blank value to New Value or from old value to a New value, the Activation Date will not be matching with "Order Date" when record gets saved.(Hope you are doing the field assignment only when "Activation Date" field gets modified)

Now whenever "Activation Date" gets populated from Blank to New Value or updated from Old value to New value, update your flow to also consider the below extra conditions in your flow before assigning the "Activation Date" field value to "Order Date" field.

Incase Record is getting Updated consider below conditions
1) Order Date Ischanged  False
2) Prior "Activation Date" Field value  ==  Prior "Order Date" field value

Incase Record is gettting created consider below conditions
1) Order Date    isnull   true
2) "Activation Date"  isnull   false

Hope this solves your requirement without a need to create extra field for override check