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shivangi gulati 7shivangi gulati 7 

How to fetch Object and its fields translated values

We have requirement to fetch the translated labels/field values of Standard/Custom object labels along with fields and its values in translated language.  Which table in SF provides the translated values of Objects, fields and record values
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Shivangi,

In Salesforce, these are stored in different metadata components. To fetch the translated values, you can use the following approaches:

> Custom Labels:
Custom labels can be used to store translated values for various components, including object labels and field labels.
You can create custom labels for each translated value and reference them in your code or configuration.
Custom labels can be accessed using the $Label global variable or by querying the CustomLabels object in the Salesforce Metadata API.

> Translation Workbench:
The Translation Workbench allows you to translate various components, including object labels, field labels, and picklist values, among others.
Translations are stored in the CustomObjectTranslation, FieldDefinition, and PicklistValueTranslation objects in the Salesforce Metadata API.
You can use the Metadata API to retrieve translations for objects and fields.

> Record Translations:
Record translations allow you to translate record values for specific fields.
Translated field values are stored in the FieldTranslation object in the Salesforce Metadata API.
You can use the Metadata API to retrieve translated field values for specific records.

SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
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