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Rohit Vaidya 3Rohit Vaidya 3 

decision in flow

what are different types of Decision elements in Flow and what are different loops in flow?
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Rohit,

> Different Loops in Flow:
Loop Element: The Loop element is used to iterate through a number of items in a collection variable. There are three main components to a Loop element: the collection variable, the loop variable, and the loop body. The collection variable is the variable that contains the items to iterate over. The loop variable is the variable that represents the current item in the loop. The loop body is the set of actions that are performed for each item in the collection variable

> Fast Lookup Element: The Fast Lookup element is used to retrieve a set of records from Salesforce based on a set of criteria. This element is often used in conjunction with a Loop element to iterate over the retrieved records.

> Get Records Element: The Get Records element is used to retrieve a set of records from Salesforce based on a set of criteria. This element is often used in conjunction with a Loop element to iterate over the retrieved records.

See related:

If this information helps, please mark the answer as best. Thank you
Nima Sherpa 2Nima Sherpa 2
Thanks for sharing. Appreciated by ABC Trek ( team.