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Himanshu GhateHimanshu Ghate 

I want to know some Schema question answer.Please some one help

Q1)What is getSobjectType?
Q2)How to fetch all the subject in the salesforce?
Q3)How to fetch the tabs info from Schema?
Best Answer chosen by Himanshu Ghate
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Himanshu,

Q1) getSobjectType() is a method that returns the sObject token for the object on which it's called. It returns a Schema.SObjectType object that describes the sObject token for the object

Q2) To fetch all the sObjects in Salesforce, you can use the getGlobalDescribe() method of the Schema class. This method returns a Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> where the keys are the API names of the sObjects and the values are the corresponding Schema.SObjectType tokens

Example of how to fetch all the sObjects:
Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> sObjects = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();

for (String sObjectName : sObjects.keySet()) {
    System.debug('sObject name: ' + sObjectName);

Q3) To fetch the tabs information from the Schema in Salesforce, you can use the describeTabs() method of the Schema class. This method returns a list of Schema.DescribeTabResult objects that describe the tabs in the organization.
Example of how to fetch the tabs information from the Schema in Salesforce:
List<Schema.DescribeTabResult> tabs = Schema.describeTabs();

for (Schema.DescribeTabResult tab : tabs) {
    System.debug('Tab label: ' + tab.getLabel());
    System.debug('Tab name: ' + tab.getTabName());


If this information helps, please mark the answer as best. Thank you