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Somasundaram SubramanianSomasundaram Subramanian 

uninstall package

The package is already suspended and when i tried to unstall the package it throw below error and it says more than 300 classes referred like below 

The Apex class "InflAPIHandler" is in use by a queued or in progress Apex Batch or Sharing Recalculation and cannot be deleted.
when i query the below one and I couldnt find any of the above class id is in batch , how to fix this
SELECT ApexClassId,CompletedDate,CreatedById,CreatedDate,ExtendedStatus,Id,JobItemsProcessed,JobType,LastProcessed,LastProcessedOffset,MethodName,NumberOfErrors,ParentJobId,Status,TotalJobItems FROM AsyncApexJob 
SwethaSwetha (Salesforce Developers) 
HI Somasundaram ,
What does the below query return?

SELECT Id, CreatedDate FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE JobType='ApexToken' AND Status = 'Queued'

Somasundaram SubramanianSomasundaram Subramanian
It return all the classes used in batch
Arun Kumar 1141Arun Kumar 1141

Hi Somasundaram,
Please try the below query
SELECT Id, Status, ApexClass.Name, ExtendedStatus FROM AsyncApexJob WHERE ApexClass.Name = 'InflAPIHandler'

There may be other asynchronous processes referencing the class, such as scheduled jobs or triggers. You need to investigate and resolve those dependencies before uninstalling the package.

To check where the class is being referenced use below
SELECT Id, Name, Body FROM ApexClass WHERE Body LIKE '%InflAPIHandler%'

Mark this as best answer if this helps.

Somasundaram SubramanianSomasundaram Subramanian
around 106 classes blocks to uninstall , if one or two classes means we can check , every time it says 106 classes , if its ashychonise it wont say same number of classes , some where am missing the references