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Lee Thomas 16Lee Thomas 16 

Minimum oauth access to allow CRUD on custom object

I created a simple app to update a field on a custom obj from a google Apps script. It currently works fine with full access but I would like to tighten it up.

What is the minimum Oauth scope I can use to acomplish this using the availble scopes at  Manage Connected Apps --> API(enable Oauth Settings) --> Selected Oauth scopes ?
Best Answer chosen by Lee Thomas 16
Setting up full access under connected app for remote user is not a good solution. Please try to set the scope as 'Manage user data via APIs (api)' and check if it's working.

All Answers

VinayVinay (Salesforce Developers) 
Hi Lee,

As per my understanding, you would need full access when you are using connected app when you are using connected app.  I dont think it will work as expected if you try to give minimal permissions on custom object.

Please mark as Best Answer if above information was helpful.

Setting up full access under connected app for remote user is not a good solution. Please try to set the scope as 'Manage user data via APIs (api)' and check if it's working.
This was selected as the best answer