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Dhiliban Thangavel 6Dhiliban Thangavel 6 

Integrate lightning app into Visualforce page.


I am trying to add lightning app into visualforce page. As per the below link i added the Lightning component  into visualfore page. But getting the below erorr. Added code also below. Plese provide some suggestions. Thanks in advance.

User-added image

User-added image
Best Answer chosen by Dhiliban Thangavel 6
Keep in mind that this is a Winter '16 feature. It will only work in your org today if your org has already upgraded to Winter '16 — which is NOT most orgs.

If that's not it, perhaps you could post the actual text of the error message, since it's impossible to read in the screenshot.

All Answers

Keep in mind that this is a Winter '16 feature. It will only work in your org today if your org has already upgraded to Winter '16 — which is NOT most orgs.

If that's not it, perhaps you could post the actual text of the error message, since it's impossible to read in the screenshot.
This was selected as the best answer
Dhiliban Thangavel 6Dhiliban Thangavel 6
Hello Alderete,

Thank you so much. Yes, still the org is not updated with Winter'16 feature. 
Ken KoellnerKen Koellner
I'm trying to get this to work.  My SB in on Winter '16.  I'm getting a 404 on my aura component (I have firebug on my browser).

This is --
<aura:application access="GLOBAL" extends="ltng:outApp"> 
  <aura:dependency resource="ui:button"/>
This is KKTestLightningContainer.vfp --
    <apex:includeLightning />
     This is a test.
    <div id="lightning" />

        $Lightning.use("hmhco:KKTestApp1", function() {
          { label : "Press Me!" },
          function(cmp) {
            // do some stuff

I tried including our domain "hmhco:KKTestApp1", leaving it out "KKTestApp1", and just "c" as in the example "c:KKTestApp1".

I'm my firebug console, I get 404 error on the URL --
or --"
or --"

Maybe I need a different prefix.

Maybe there is some global setting to turn something on and make it available.

I'm working for these instructions --

There's no additional info on anything that has to be done.