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Cori O'BrienCori O'Brien 

Can I purchase Trailhead Badges, Stickers?

I'm about to launch a massive Salesforce training plan for our company using Trailhead, and I was hoping to be able to purchase the physical badges, pins, stickers, mascots, or anything else Trailhead related that I can give out to our staff. There were a number of great items in the Dev zone at Dreamforce, but I only grabbed a couple of each.

Is there a store or process to order Trailhead items?
Best Answer chosen by Lauren Grau
Lauren GrauLauren Grau
Ping me at lgrauATsaleforceDOTcom!

All Answers

Lauren GrauLauren Grau
Ping me at lgrauATsaleforceDOTcom!
This was selected as the best answer
Marshall HarrisonMarshall Harrison
Yeah, I would love to have some stickers to hand out to my Developer Group. I want something cheap and small for everyone in attendance. I don't want to go through the good swag too fast. 
admin admin 289admin admin 289
Hi all,
i'm interested about stickers also. I'm not expert jet but i have on my profile 3 badges.
How i can have the stickers?
James McLean 4James McLean 4

Looking for Codey Decal sticker to replace my damaged one... any leads on how to order replacement or similar decals?
looks like:

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