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Nitzan Marinov
Insert failed on trigger test
Hi everyone,
This may be really simple but I'm new to this so would appreciate any help.
I have this test trigger:
private class TESTCLASS_EventTrigger {
static testMethod void validateEventTrigger() {
datetime myDateTime =
datetime.newInstance(2012, 1, 1);
Clients__c c = TestUtilities.insertClient();
Event e = new Event(Subject='Test Class Call', WhatID ='a0EC000000AkWqD',
DurationInMinutes=30, StartDateTime=myDateTime);
// Insert Client & Event
insert c;
insert e;
// Retrieve the new Event
e = [SELECT ID, Calendar_Title__c FROM Event WHERE Subject = 'Test Class Call'];
System.debug('Calendar_Title__c: ' + e.Calendar_Title__c);
// Test that the trigger correctly updated the price
System.assertEquals('Camilla Ferdinand: Test Class Call', e.Calendar_Title__c);
Here's the test utility:
public with sharing class TestUtilities {
public Contact aContac {get; set;}
public Attachment aAttachment {get; set;}
static User testUser;
public void generateContact(){
this.aContac = new Contact();
this.aContac.firstName = 'Test';
this.aContac.LastName = 'Test';
insert this.aContac;
this.aAttachment = new Attachment();
this.aAttachment.Body = Blob.valueOf('String');
public static TestUtilities generateTest(){
TestUtilities e = new TestUtilities();
return e;
public static User createUser(Id profileId)
//fetch existing users with provided profile and role
List<User> userLst = [Select Id From User where ProfileId =: profileId and IsActive = :true Limit 1];
User user;
//at least one user exists; return user record
user = userLst[0];
//user does not exist; create new user
user = new User(profileid = profileId,
alias = 'standt', email = '',
emailencodingkey = 'UTF-8', lastname = 'Tsting', languagelocalekey = 'en_US',
localesidkey = 'en_US', timezonesidkey = 'America/Los_Angeles',
username = profileId + '');
insert user;
return user;
public static Clients__c insertClient()
Clients__c c = new Clients__c(Name ='TestClient', Active__c = true,
OC_Programme__c = 'OC Central', Current_Address__c = 'N/A',
Primary_Phone_Number__c = 'N/A');
return c;
public static Contact insertContact()
Contact c = new Contact(FirstName ='Test',LastName ='Test', Training_Contact__c = true);
return c;
public static Project__c insertProject()
Profile p = [select id from profile where name='OC Impact'];
UserRole r = [select id from UserRole where name='OC Impact Director'];
User userSRO = TestUtilities.createUser(p.Id);
RecordType rt = [select id from RecordType where SobjectType = 'Project__c' and DeveloperName = 'Project' limit 1];
string rId = rt.Id;
Project__c proj = new Project__c(Name = 'testProject',
OC_field__c = 'OC Impact',
Project_summary__c = 'Test Summary',
Project_start_date__c = date.newInstance(2013, 1, 1),
Project_end_date__c = date.newInstance(2013, 12, 25),
RecordtypeId =,
Submit_for_Approval_by__c = date.newInstance(2018, 12, 25),
Senior_Responsible_Officer_SRO__c = userSRO.Id);
return proj;
public static Project_Budget__c createProjectBudget(Id projId)
Project_Budget__c pb = new Project_Budget__c(Name = 'Session',
Cost_Centre__c = 'Session',
Income__c = 0,
Expense__c = 0,
Project__c = projId);
return pb;
public static Project_Budget_Detail__c createProjectBudgetDetail(Id projBudgetId)
Project_Budget_Detail__c pb = new Project_Budget_Detail__c(
Paid_As__c = 'Cash',
Income__c = 0,
Expense__c = 0,
Project_Budget__c = projBudgetId);
return pb;
And here is the trigger code (which I haven't touched):
trigger EventTrigger on Event (before insert, before update) {
Event[] eventToUpdate =;
Clients__c clientInfo = new Clients__c();
Project__c projectInfo = new Project__c();
for (Event e : eventToUpdate)
if(e.WhatId != Null)
clientInfo = [SELECT ID, Name from Clients__c Where ID = :e.WhatId];
e.Calendar_Title__c = clientInfo.Name + ': ' + e.Subject;
projectInfo = [SELECT ID, Name from Project__c Where ID = :e.WhatId];
e.Calendar_Title__c = projectInfo.Name + ': ' + e.Subject;
And here is the error message I get:
15:43:17:411 EXCEPTION_THROWN [13]|System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, EventTrigger: execution of BeforeInsert
Thanking you in advance.
This may be really simple but I'm new to this so would appreciate any help.
I have this test trigger:
private class TESTCLASS_EventTrigger {
static testMethod void validateEventTrigger() {
datetime myDateTime =
datetime.newInstance(2012, 1, 1);
Clients__c c = TestUtilities.insertClient();
Event e = new Event(Subject='Test Class Call', WhatID ='a0EC000000AkWqD',
DurationInMinutes=30, StartDateTime=myDateTime);
// Insert Client & Event
insert c;
insert e;
// Retrieve the new Event
e = [SELECT ID, Calendar_Title__c FROM Event WHERE Subject = 'Test Class Call'];
System.debug('Calendar_Title__c: ' + e.Calendar_Title__c);
// Test that the trigger correctly updated the price
System.assertEquals('Camilla Ferdinand: Test Class Call', e.Calendar_Title__c);
Here's the test utility:
public with sharing class TestUtilities {
public Contact aContac {get; set;}
public Attachment aAttachment {get; set;}
static User testUser;
public void generateContact(){
this.aContac = new Contact();
this.aContac.firstName = 'Test';
this.aContac.LastName = 'Test';
insert this.aContac;
this.aAttachment = new Attachment();
this.aAttachment.Body = Blob.valueOf('String');
public static TestUtilities generateTest(){
TestUtilities e = new TestUtilities();
return e;
public static User createUser(Id profileId)
//fetch existing users with provided profile and role
List<User> userLst = [Select Id From User where ProfileId =: profileId and IsActive = :true Limit 1];
User user;
//at least one user exists; return user record
user = userLst[0];
//user does not exist; create new user
user = new User(profileid = profileId,
alias = 'standt', email = '',
emailencodingkey = 'UTF-8', lastname = 'Tsting', languagelocalekey = 'en_US',
localesidkey = 'en_US', timezonesidkey = 'America/Los_Angeles',
username = profileId + '');
insert user;
return user;
public static Clients__c insertClient()
Clients__c c = new Clients__c(Name ='TestClient', Active__c = true,
OC_Programme__c = 'OC Central', Current_Address__c = 'N/A',
Primary_Phone_Number__c = 'N/A');
return c;
public static Contact insertContact()
Contact c = new Contact(FirstName ='Test',LastName ='Test', Training_Contact__c = true);
return c;
public static Project__c insertProject()
Profile p = [select id from profile where name='OC Impact'];
UserRole r = [select id from UserRole where name='OC Impact Director'];
User userSRO = TestUtilities.createUser(p.Id);
RecordType rt = [select id from RecordType where SobjectType = 'Project__c' and DeveloperName = 'Project' limit 1];
string rId = rt.Id;
Project__c proj = new Project__c(Name = 'testProject',
OC_field__c = 'OC Impact',
Project_summary__c = 'Test Summary',
Project_start_date__c = date.newInstance(2013, 1, 1),
Project_end_date__c = date.newInstance(2013, 12, 25),
RecordtypeId =,
Submit_for_Approval_by__c = date.newInstance(2018, 12, 25),
Senior_Responsible_Officer_SRO__c = userSRO.Id);
return proj;
public static Project_Budget__c createProjectBudget(Id projId)
Project_Budget__c pb = new Project_Budget__c(Name = 'Session',
Cost_Centre__c = 'Session',
Income__c = 0,
Expense__c = 0,
Project__c = projId);
return pb;
public static Project_Budget_Detail__c createProjectBudgetDetail(Id projBudgetId)
Project_Budget_Detail__c pb = new Project_Budget_Detail__c(
Paid_As__c = 'Cash',
Income__c = 0,
Expense__c = 0,
Project_Budget__c = projBudgetId);
return pb;
And here is the trigger code (which I haven't touched):
trigger EventTrigger on Event (before insert, before update) {
Event[] eventToUpdate =;
Clients__c clientInfo = new Clients__c();
Project__c projectInfo = new Project__c();
for (Event e : eventToUpdate)
if(e.WhatId != Null)
clientInfo = [SELECT ID, Name from Clients__c Where ID = :e.WhatId];
e.Calendar_Title__c = clientInfo.Name + ': ' + e.Subject;
projectInfo = [SELECT ID, Name from Project__c Where ID = :e.WhatId];
e.Calendar_Title__c = projectInfo.Name + ': ' + e.Subject;
And here is the error message I get:
15:43:17:411 EXCEPTION_THROWN [13]|System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, EventTrigger: execution of BeforeInsert
Thanking you in advance.
Please try with the below test class :
Let me know if you have any issue.
All Answers
Please try with the below test class :
Let me know if you have any issue.
That even helped me to tidy up the code and make it neater:
private class TESTCLASS_EventTrigger {
static testMethod void validateEventTrigger() {
string mySubject = 'Test Class Call';
datetime myDateTime = datetime.newInstance(2012, 1, 1);
integer myDuration = 30;
Clients__c c = TestUtilities.insertClient();
insert c;
Event e = new Event(Subject=mySubject, WhatID =,
DurationInMinutes=myDuration, StartDateTime=myDateTime);
insert e;
// Retrieve the new Event
e = [SELECT ID, Calendar_Title__c FROM Event WHERE Subject = :mySubject];
System.debug('Calendar_Title__c: ' + e.Calendar_Title__c);
// Test that the trigger correctly updated the price
System.assertEquals(c.Name + ': ' + mySubject, e.Calendar_Title__c);
I'm starting to get the login of this :-)