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Getting Error While taking the trail head challenge for lightning app builder

Error during taking the challenge

Even though my developer org has the Lightning App "My Data" its saying app is not available.
Best Answer chosen by BijayS
Becka DBecka D
A few things that have tripped me up with Trailhead:
  • Logged in to the wrong developer org
  • Typo in the name (even an extra space at the end could be your 'invisible' issue
  • Data that is being checked for isn't shared publically
Have you double-checked all of these?

All Answers

Becka DBecka D
A few things that have tripped me up with Trailhead:
  • Logged in to the wrong developer org
  • Typo in the name (even an extra space at the end could be your 'invisible' issue
  • Data that is being checked for isn't shared publically
Have you double-checked all of these?
This was selected as the best answer
Nicole TompkinsNicole Tompkins
Hi Bijay - I would also check to make sure you activated your lightning page. This is a step I missed when completing this challenge. Once you do this it should prompt you to generate a lightning tab and add it to the mobile navigation menu and the API should be able to locate it then.
sfdc_nerd ; My bad i gave the APi name incorrectly as "MyData" but the label was "My Data" .Thanks for pointing out.
Greg EnderleGreg Enderle
I was getting the same error, but it was only cleared by changing the API name from MyData to My_Data.  Why would that be?
Nicole TompkinsNicole Tompkins
Hi Greg, the challenge is looking for a lightning page called "My Data". By default the API name replaces all spaces with an underscore, so it's looking for the API name My_Data for this challenge.
Missy LongshoreMissy Longshore
Hi, I'm getting stuck on this too. I just used the default My Data app and the error I'm getting says it's not installed/not recognized. So it sounds like I need to change it from what was provided? That sounds weird... MissyMy data app error Missy
Jeff DouglasJeff Douglas
All, try changing the Developer Name of your Lightning App to "My_Data". Sometimes when you enter "My Data", the platform create the app with the Developer Name of "My_Data" or "MyData". It needs to be the former.

User-added image

Thanks. We are trying to get this changed ASAP.

Jeff Douglas
Trailhead Developer Advocate
Missy LongshoreMissy Longshore
Thanks Jeff!!!! — Missy LongshoreLongshore Consulting t: @mflongshore 415.730.8580
Venkat PolisettiVenkat Polisetti
@Nicole Tompkins is right. It is looking for a lightning page with a developer name "My_Data". The challenge text is totally wrong.