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Swathi Cse
the 'upsert' is creating duplicates Ordernumber,orderreleasenumber,productcode. how can I make just an update? if the ordernumber,orderreleasenumber,productcode is already there.
let me explain you, there two objects parent(Order Headers) and chld(DCR Orders), in order to create the Ordernumber I need to provide id and orderreleasenumber. All this is handle by the code. At this point if there is a pod with this fields for example Ordernumber=123, orderreleasenumber=0001, productcode=4 and I make another upsert to the same Ordernumber, i want the system to identify if there is a Ordernumber,orderreleasenumber,productcode with the same id(productcode is a master-detail)if that us true i want to update the productcode else insert new productcode thank you in advance!
let me explain you, there two objects parent(Order Headers) and chld(DCR Orders), in order to create the Ordernumber I need to provide id and orderreleasenumber. All this is handle by the code. At this point if there is a pod with this fields for example Ordernumber=123, orderreleasenumber=0001, productcode=4 and I make another upsert to the same Ordernumber, i want the system to identify if there is a Ordernumber,orderreleasenumber,productcode with the same id(productcode is a master-detail)if that us true i want to update the productcode else insert new productcode thank you in advance!
For more info on upserts and external ids, please see: