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Error launching Import Wizard

I have created a domain in my sandbox and deployed (2 days ago). When I try to launch the Import Wizard, I am getting below error.
An error has occurred in the following section: [Exception, DomainNotPropagated_desc]. has been notified of this error
Can you suggest why I am getting this error and how I can fix it?
Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher
You need to contact support and have them unclog whatever is clogged - sorry we can't help more than that.  =(

In the meantime - you can use Data Loader/Dataloader.IO or another tool to import data.
Bailey RuddBailey Rudd
Hi Neelima,

I'm having the same issue that you had when I try and start the Lightning App Builder. Did Salesforce ever determine the cause of your error?
You need to contact Salesforce support. They had modify a setting on the server to fix the issue. Neelima