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Chetna Agrawal
deploy inbound change set in production
i have uploaded outbound change set to production but while deploying it showing 2 errors.
Solicitor__c is a lookup field on contact. also solicitor is custom object whose API name is Solicitor__c.
Trigger is: Trigger FieldUpdateEmail on Opportunity (Before insert,Before update) { set<id> conid=new set<id>(); List<Contact> con=[Select id,Name from Contact]; for(Contact c:con) { conid.add(; } List<Id> idd=new List<Id>(); for(Opportunity oo:Trigger.New){ conId.add(oo.Contact__c); } Map<ID, Contact> m = new Map<ID, Contact>([SELECT Id,Solicitor__r.Email_Id__c,Solicitor__c,Solicitor__r.First_Name__c,Solicitor__r.Last_Name__c FROM Contact where id In:conId]); for(Opportunity oo:Trigger.New){ oo.TestEmail__c=m.get(oo.Contact__c).Solicitor__r.Email_Id__c; oo.Solicitor_FullName__c=m.get(oo.Contact__c).Solicitor__r.First_Name__c + ' '+ m.get(oo.Contact__c).Solicitor__r.Last_Name__c; // oo.Solicitor__c=m.get(oo.Contact__c).Solicitor__c; } }
Solicitor__c is a lookup field on contact. also solicitor is custom object whose API name is Solicitor__c.
1.Contact.Solicitor__c ------- Cannot update a field from a Formula to something else
2.FieldUpdateEmail (Apex Trigger) Didn't understand relationship 'Solicitor__r' in field path. If you are attempting to use a custom relationship, be sure to append the '__r' after the custom relationship name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.