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Adding lightning components to the community builder

Created custom objects, provided the test data, developed the lightning components, created the community, added the lightning component to the community through community builder, created the community user, published the community. When logged in as community user, the data is not displayed. Provided the FLS, enabled the apex classes to the Community Plus USer profile. All the custom objects and required standard objects are Public read/write. Still not able to see the data on the community. Any hints on how we can make data display on the community page. 
James LoghryJames Loghry
I would start debugging your lightning component.  The easiest way I have found is to add debugger; statements in your javascript calls in your component and stepping through breakpoints.  Additionally, I would add system.debug statements in your Apex / AuraEnabled methods to see if you can find out what's going on.

Could it be a org wide default / sharing rule issue as well?  Other than that it sounds like all your basis are covered.
Hi James,

Thanks for the reply. I think the problem is not with the lightning component, because the lightning component is retrieving the data when I put my the url in the browser - https://[your-pod][your-namespace]/[app-name].app. It is not displaying the data when I use the component in community. But as you said let me put some alert or console statements in JS code. Between, when I addded the site name for debug log, nothing is getting tracked in the debug log. how to debug something on the community? 
Rasmus MenckeRasmus Mencke
Are you sure the user license has access to the custom objects/standard object. If they user can access the data via the API, they can see it in the community.