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Pranav ChitransPranav Chitrans 

Override Add Product button On Opp with custom vf Page

User-added image
I am having doubt on highlighted area... I want to desgin this page somewhat like this.But I am not able to implement logic on few things :
1. On Add Product page there is one link with view filter on first pageblock and on clicking on link the number of text field and picklist multiplies, how can I  do this with js or jquery.. just give some code logic.
2. On second page block.. there is one refresh button.. how to implement that.. Is that a image or some glyphicon like we use in bootstrap and all.??? plz tell me the way that I can put thta to refresh the block.
3. On top of second pageblock there is alphabates are there... how can i put there in pageblock.. because there is no such attribute where I can put that A|B|C|D|E|F like this... plz tell me...

Hi Pranav,

There is a good blog post complete with sample code on overriding the add product page with a custom VFPage; hopefully it will prove useful: