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Patrick LawPatrick Law 

Can't to seem pass the "Integrating External Data" challenge in "Lighting Connect" module

I can't seem to pass the challenge "Integrating External Data" challenge in "Lighting Connect" module. I think I have done everything needed. 
When I checked the challenge, it says "System.ExternalObjectException: data.api.DataSourceException: This data isn't available because the phones object's "Phone_UUID" field has an invalid relationship."

I do have an indirect relationship set up from the Phone to User entity as required by the challenge.

Anyone have the same problem ?

Best Answer chosen by Patrick Law
Sometimes crap like this just happens with Trailhead.  What I would do would be to spin up a new dev org and try it again [1].  You can log into a different dev org than username you are using to do trailhead work and still get all the badges/points under a single user.


All Answers

Can you take some screenshots of your indirect relathionship information on the object?
Patrick LawPatrick Law
Hello pcon,
My configuration looks like this:

Phone Object:
Phone entity

Fields setup in user:

User object

Let me know if you thinks of anything it may be missing.

Thank you
I just re-took the challange* and it works fine for me.  The only difference is that my Phone_UUID__c field on the User record is length 10 instead of 20 like you have it.  Also, did you make sure to set the Phone_UUID__c on one of your Users like it says in bullet 4?

* They recently updated this challange to use this phone ODATA instead of what it was using before
Patrick LawPatrick Law
Hi pcon,
I do have a user's phone UUID set.
User-added image

Also I have changed the text field length to 10 so it matches yours.

User-added image
User-added image

But I still am not able to pass the chanllenge.
Sometimes crap like this just happens with Trailhead.  What I would do would be to spin up a new dev org and try it again [1].  You can log into a different dev org than username you are using to do trailhead work and still get all the badges/points under a single user.

This was selected as the best answer
Patrick LawPatrick Law
Yes that works. I signed up with a brand new dev org and did the challenge again.

Great! If you could please choose a "best answer" so that this question can be removed from the unresolved queue and so others may easily find the answer.
Joseph KyleJoseph Kyle
@pcon, Thank you. I just spent the better part of a Saturday evening trying to sort this out. The fourth bullet point in the challenge instructions seemed so vague but was the hold up for me. I had not added the 0000123442 value to one of my users (User, user detail, edit, then scroll down to UUID and add the value to the field, then save. This allowed me to pass the challenge. Maddening!!! Thank you. 
Jacob W. PrinceJacob W. Prince
This is the error- advice?

​Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.ExternalObjectException: data.api.DataSourceException: This data is no longer available. The "Mobile_Devices" table in the external data source is currently unavailable. Try again later or contact your administrator for help.
@jacob, can you provide a screenshot of you external objects configuration?
Jacob W. PrinceJacob W. Prince
I ended up just scrapping redoing the 2 exercises and got it all figured out. Thank you for the willingness to help. I am glad its over, figured out and glad I struggled though it with a pass in the end. thank you commnuity for all the help throughout these trails!
pawadee sengcharoenpawadee sengcharoen
i have same problem @Jacob 
can u tell me to pass this trails
Ryan Adams 173Ryan Adams 173
Jacob W. Prince, I think you mean Trials, not Trails.