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Cassie CaffertyCassie Cafferty 

Field formula results from another field

Please help, I need to update the following formula for Parent IDN field:
IF (ISBLANK(GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c), "", 
IF (CONTAINS (GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c, "REGSURG"), "REGSURG",
IF (CONTAINS (GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c, "SPOG"),  "SPOG",
IF (CONTAINS (GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c, "SUTTER"), "SUTTER",
IF (CONTAINS (GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c, "YANKEE"), "YANKEE",
IF (CONTAINS (GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c, "PROV2"), "PROV",
IF (CONTAINS (GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c, "PROVAFF"), "PROV",
IF (CONTAINS (GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c, "PROVAFF2"), "PROV",GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c))))))))))))

Currently if my GP Roll Up Sub Type field contains one of the above, the correct response is placed in the Parent IDN field, if blank, then both remain blank, I would like to add if the value is different from blank or any of the above, to put the same data in Parent IDN field. Ex., if the GP Roll Up Sub Type field contains MED, I want MED to display in the Parent IDN field.
Sanjay Mulagada 11Sanjay Mulagada 11
I'm not sure if GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c is a picklist field or a text field.
  • If GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c is a picklist field, then formula on Parent IDN(formula field) with return type text -
  • If GP_Roll_Up_Sub_Type__c is a Text field then formula on Parent IDN with return type text-
Cassie CaffertyCassie Cafferty
That is how the current formula ends but it doesn't consistently return the text from GP Roll Up Sub Type to Parent IDN. The field is a text field.
Sanjay Mulagada 11Sanjay Mulagada 11
Cassie are you using this formula in Workflow field update or is it just a custom formula field ?