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Srikanth Pasupuleti 3Srikanth Pasupuleti 3 

Lead conversion error in lightning UI

There is a trigger which converts the lead when user selects particular status. It works great in classic version, but when I tried it in lightning UI, the screen gets hung-up (not progressing anywhere). If I refresh/reload the page, it lands on lead conversion page, stating this lead has been converted to particular contact. I couldn't figure out why it hangs inbetween. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Usually when the Lightning UI hangs it means there has been a JavaScript error. The nature of JavaScript is that when an error occurs, no further JavaScript is interpreted so processing of the page effectively stops. The first place to look is in the JavaScript console, which you can access via the chrome inspector. If there are errors there won't be much you can do about it unfortunately, as LightningX is still in beta and you can't customise it at the moment.
Srikanth Pasupuleti 3Srikanth Pasupuleti 3
Thank you Bob..that makes sense.  I will look into the JS error
Lauren Honyotski 19Lauren Honyotski 19
Is there any updates on this? We are experiencing the same problem right now, and trying to figure out how to get the auto convert process to then bring the user to the new opportunity. Has anyone figuredthis out?
Liratanak ANNLiratanak ANN

Having similar issue here
and there are no browser console error or warning message