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Jero Torralba 8Jero Torralba 8 

3DES (Triple Data Encryption Algorithm)


I need to do a 3DES encryption of a string and send it via post to another platform. I've searched and couldn't find whether this algorithm exists in Salesforce (it seems it doesn't). 

Could you please, help me?
Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher
It does not appear that 3DES exists natively in Apex.
Jero Torralba 8Jero Torralba 8

Hi, Andy.

Thanks for your reply. That's just what I was fearing. I'll see what I can do. I've read at a Salesforce's Facebook Page that the only way to do it is to code it... 

I'll see what I can do...
Sean Connolly 5Sean Connolly 5
Were you ever able to come up with an Apex solution for this?  I'm looking for 3DES encryption as well and haven't had any luck so far.
wan sing tan 2wan sing tan 2
Do you able to create the code using 3DES?
Blackbird 9Blackbird 9
Has anyone implemented 3DES or found a workaround?