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Unnamalai SubramanianUnnamalai Subramanian 

Add Existing Badges to Linked In Profile


How do we add the badges earned previously to linked in profile?

Best Answer chosen by Unnamalai Subramanian
nusrat khowajanusrat khowaja
currently this option is not available you can only add the one you are currently getting.

All Answers

nusrat khowajanusrat khowaja
currently this option is not available you can only add the one you are currently getting.
This was selected as the best answer
Nelson BenavidesNelson Benavides
It seems like this feature of adding badges to LinkedIn is recent. I already have about 8 badges earned from before, and I can't add them to my LinkedIn profile :(
nusrat khowajanusrat khowaja
so there is only one way i found out to enter early earned badges in Linked is that you go to your linked in account profile and enter all your old earned badges manually in "Certification" section.

Nelson BenavidesNelson Benavides
Yeah, that's what I ended up doing, meaning, I have a link to my trailhead profile which shows all the badges instead of adding them one by one.
It's just nicer to see the little trailhead icons with their respective subject next to them :)
nusrat khowajanusrat khowaja
if my answer is helpfull than please make it best answer . so this question will be closed .
Nelson BenavidesNelson Benavides
It already has "Best Answer chosen by Unnamalai Subramanian" selected, and I think this is already marked as 'Resolved"