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Erika ChoiErika Choi 

Trailhead Error for Creating List View

Hi, I keep getting errors while checking the creating list view challenge.(other challenges worked and completed)
 I have created the view correctly. see attached screenshots. User-added imageUser-added image
Best Answer chosen by Erika Choi
Erika ChoiErika Choi
UPDATE :  I simply created a new DE account and redo the challenge. and it worked. thank  you all. 

All Answers

William TranWilliam Tran

I don't remember the challenge question, but why do you have Last Modified By Alias >= LAST WEEK?

It does not make sense, do you need it? If yes,, it has to be an Alias not a datetime.

As a common practice, if your question is answered, please choose 1 best answer. 
But you can give every answer a thumb up if that answer is helpful to you. 

Suzanne C.Suzanne C.
Erika, to pass this challenge they are asking you to create a list view with Contacts created or modified in the last week. Your first filter is correct, but modify the second one to show created Contacts last week by choosing Created Date equals LAST WEEK.
Erika ChoiErika Choi
Thanks for letting me know William, I uploaded wrong screenshots. attached files again. -Erika 
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Suzanne C.Suzanne C.
Just change the logic to AND and "equals to", should pass then
Erika ChoiErika Choi
Thanks Suzanne, I updated AND and equals to, but still didn't pass the challenge. (screenshot attached) User-added imageUser-added image
William TranWilliam Tran
do this:


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And (not sure if this matters, I don't remember the question/challenge :-) 

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Suzanne C.Suzanne C.
What error message are you getting? I have "equals to" on both filters and I'm able to pass without any errors.
Erika ChoiErika Choi
I'm getting notification that Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong: 
The 'My Recent Contacts' list view was not found. 
Suzanne C.Suzanne C.
Odd! I can't think of anything else. I would probably just delete this list view and create a new view to retry the challenge. Maybe William has a better answer to this!
William TranWilliam Tran
Is your Trailhead and your Dev org the same?  Do you have multiple orgs and your Trailhead is looking at a different org?

Otherwise, I would agree that deleting the existing view and create a new one again to see if that would work.

Try changing the "Visible Only to Me" setting to open it up. You have it set up as a private List View. 
Myles DauteriveMyles Dauterive
The same error Erika reported is popping up in my instance of Salesforce as well. I've deleted all previous attempt to create a list views and started from scratch. However, that hasn't resolved the problem. Nor, has opening up the visibility settings. 
Erika ChoiErika Choi
I have done all the things. started from scratch many times. Even I deleted list views in bin as well. still getting an error that "The 'My Recent Contacts' list view was not found". 
Erika ChoiErika Choi
UPDATE :  I simply created a new DE account and redo the challenge. and it worked. thank  you all. 
This was selected as the best answer
Rayad KhanRayad Khan
I see that this issue has been solved but wanted to add that my solution was identical to what others have posted with one exception: in step two of creating the list view, my filter operator for both fields was set to "equal" instead of what others have shown above.

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I passed and got full credit for this section.

Hope this gives folks who are struggling another option.
Xibing LiXibing Li
I still have question about this topic. The trouble is not the view itself. It's where to create it. Is any tab OK or have to be system "Contacts" object or customized "Contacts" tab.

Any feed back appreciated. Thank!
Xibing LiXibing Li
I found the answer. Sorry to the post.
saran kumar 9saran kumar 9
@xibing ......please tell me the answer ..
Xibing LiXibing Li
Find the Standard "Contacts" tab, click on it. Then you'll see "Create New View" button next to "Edit".
Travis MatthewsTravis Matthews
I am having the same issue that Erika Choi had before about the challenge not being completed because the list view was not found. But when I go to different tabs I can see the view option?