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Rob Nelson 8Rob Nelson 8 

Calling .put on Map of Custom Settings throw 'Collection is read-only' error.

trigger AssignByLeadSource on Lead (before insert) {
    // Use row locks to prevent race conditions
        LeadSourceCounters__c[] temp = [SELECT Id FROM LeadSourceCounters__c FOR UPDATE];
        //LeadSourceCounters is a custom setting
    Map<String, LeadSourceCounters__c> counters = LeadSourceCounters__c.getAll();
    //counters is a new map that pulls in all the counts from the custom setting.
    System.debug('LeadSourceCounters__c.getAll() = ' + LeadSourceCounters__c.getAll());
    for(Lead record: {
        if(record.LeadSource==null) {
            //if LeadSource is null, we can't round robin it specially, so continue ends for loop.
        if(!counters.containsKey(record.LeadSource)) {
        //if LeadSource doesn't exist, adds it and sets value to zero.    
            LeadSourceCounters__c happydog = new LeadSourceCounters__c(
            counters.put(record.LeadSource, happydog);
        //add 1 to Value__c counter for that lead source
        record.AssignmentId__c = counters.get(record.LeadSource).Value__c;
    upsert counters.values();
    //saves the updated counter for that lead source

Everything works great except the .put command. 
counters.put(record.LeadSource, happydog);

On that line it throws the error:

AssignByLeadSource: execution of BeforeInsert caused by: System.FinalException: Collection is read-only: External entry point

This might be a rookie question but how do I add an item to the map? All the examples I have seen use .put
Hi Nelson,

Try the following code it will work for you :
trigger AssignByLeadSource on Lead (before insert) {
    // Use row locks to prevent race conditions
        LeadSourceCounters__c[] temp = [SELECT Id FROM LeadSourceCounters__c FOR UPDATE];
        //LeadSourceCounters is a custom setting
    Map<String, LeadSourceCounters__c> counters = LeadSourceCounters__c.getAll();
    //counters is a new map that pulls in all the counts from the custom setting.
	Map<String, LeadSourceCounters__c> counterMap = new Map<String, LeadSourceCounters__c>();
    System.debug('LeadSourceCounters__c.getAll() = ' + LeadSourceCounters__c.getAll());
    for(Lead record: {
        if(record.LeadSource==null) {
            //if LeadSource is null, we can't round robin it specially, so continue ends for loop.
        if(!counters.containsKey(record.LeadSource)) {
        //if LeadSource doesn't exist, adds it and sets value to zero.    
            LeadSourceCounters__c happydog = new LeadSourceCounters__c(
            counterMap.put(record.LeadSource, happydog);
        //add 1 to Value__c counter for that lead source
        record.AssignmentId__c = counterMap.get(record.LeadSource).Value__c;
    upsert counterMap.values();
    //saves the updated counter for that lead source

Let me know if it doesnt work.
Hi Rob,

Bascially you are getting error in below line

counters.put(record.LeadSource, happydog);

Because you are fatching data directly in Counter Map from DB.

Map<String, LeadSourceCounters__c> counters = LeadSourceCounters__c.getAll(); So system has locked the lenght of this map so we cann't add more item in this.

You can use above code which is provided by Gaurav.

Ashlekh Gera
Rob Nelson 8Rob Nelson 8
Leaving everything else the same, just adding .clone(); to the line fixed it. Apparently the map returned from a query is immutable, so by cloning it, we get one we can add it. 
Map<String, LeadSourceCounters__c> counters = LeadSourceCounters__c.getAll().clone();

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