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Doug Beltowski XDoug Beltowski X 

Error when trying to implement toString method on a custom class

I'm trying to implement a toString method on a custom class I've created.  However whenever I try to save I get the error. "Method must use the override keyword: String toString()".  I'm not sure exactly what I'm doing wrong.  Below is my code.
public String toString()
	return csvCell;

csvCell is defined as a private String.
Best Answer chosen by Doug Beltowski X
Antonio ManenteAntonio Manente
I've never tried this before but I believe it may be possible using the 'override' keyword.

public override String toString()
	return csvCell;

The only thing is that as far as I know, toString() is not a method on the String class. It basically calls the "String.valueOf()" method on the object your trying to coerce. Either way, I hope this helps!