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How to Get Multiple Tables per Worksheet to Export

Hello All,

I'm successful in generating a multi-worksheet workbook in Excel from VF using MS xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet  and XML. Problem is if I try to include more than one Table per worksheet, only the first worksheet is generated.  

I would think this setup would work:

<Worksheet ss:Name="Sheet 1">
  <Table x:FullColumns="1" x:FullRows="1">
  ....[[CONTENT Table 1]]
 <Table x:FullColumns="1" x:FullRows="1">
  ....[[CONTENT Table 2]]

Each table has its own repeater, with values of separate lists from the Controller. Is there some setting or attribute that I need to consider in order to get more than one table per sheet to appear?

Thanks for any help!

Best Answer chosen by pcon
All of the examples I have been able to find show that there is only a single table per worksheet.  This question (while being implemented via Visualforce) is not a good question for these boards because at it's heart, it's an Excel question and since you are able to generate an Excel file correcty via Visualforce, it seems like the problem lies in your Excel markup.  I would recommend asking the question of how to generate the XML for multiple Excel tables in a single worksheet on an a site more attuned to doing Microsoft Office work.

All Answers

All of the examples I have been able to find show that there is only a single table per worksheet.  This question (while being implemented via Visualforce) is not a good question for these boards because at it's heart, it's an Excel question and since you are able to generate an Excel file correcty via Visualforce, it seems like the problem lies in your Excel markup.  I would recommend asking the question of how to generate the XML for multiple Excel tables in a single worksheet on an a site more attuned to doing Microsoft Office work.
This was selected as the best answer
Pcon, agreed and thanks for your reply. It is more of an Excel question so I'll bounce my question over to the MSDN boards. Cheers.