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Restricting API access to custom webservice..

Hi all,

Is it possible to give a 3rd party application access to a custom webservice without giving them access to the standard API? 

To give a little background on my project. Users will use their Salesforce credentials to login and register on one of our sister company's websites. Once they have logged into the site using their Salesforce credentials, the user needs the ability to pull down Salesforce data they own, such as customer information. 

What we have built for this works great, but the issue is being able to restrict the users to the custom service. Our security team his holding up this project because of the additional access to the standard api.

Any thoughts on how to limit access to the custom service only?

Best Answer chosen by bluecap
Hi all - thank you for the reply. We decided on a custom authentication process that involves limiting access to the user logging to the custom services. Then we used a handful of portal users (cost based), assigned to a custom and very limited profile, and assigned a role that would not enherit sharing. After the the user logs in, the portal users take over handling the callouts. The portal user has limited access to data for a limited amount of time by adding the portal user to the public group of the original user. This is short winded, but if anyone has further questions, please let me know.

All Answers

Daniel BallingerDaniel Ballinger
To access an Apex web service a users profile must have the "API Enabled" permission. This will also give them access to the Partner SOAP API and the REST API.

However, they will only have access in those APIs to objects and fields that their logged-in user would otherwise have in the standard UI.

So the important part here is to ensure that their user record and associated profile can only access the correct records. Yes, they will be able to use the other SOAP and REST APIs, but will still be restricted in what they can do with them. See Security and the API (

Be sure to manually enforce object permissions and field level security in your apex web service. See Exposing Data with WebService Methods (
Ramesh Naidu PRamesh Naidu P
<apex:page controller="BundleProduct" tabStyle="BundleProduct__tab">
 <script type='text/javascript'> 
        //Calls the Metdata API from JavaScript to create the Remote Site Setting to permit Apex callouts
        window.onload = function(){
                var binding = new XMLHttpRequest();
      'POST', '');
                binding.onreadystatechange = 
                            var parser = new DOMParser();
                            var doc  = parser.parseFromString(this.response, 'application/xml');
                            var errors = doc.getElementsByTagName('errors');
                            var messageText = '';
                            for(var errorIdx = 0; errorIdx < errors.length; errorIdx++)
                                messageText+= errors.item(errorIdx).getElementsByTagName('message').item(0).innerHTML + '\n';
    <apex:form >
        <apex:pageBlock title="Congratulations">
            You belong to Account Name: Ramesh Naidu Polarapu
          <apex:pageBlock title="Congratulations">         

i added is remote settings also

I get below error.

XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.
Ramesh Naidu PRamesh Naidu P
Please assit me. for consuming extranal API
Daniel BallingerDaniel Ballinger
The browser will be blocking the XMLHttpRequest as a potential security problem with a cross domain request. See Same-origin policy ( Have a look at XMLHttpRequest cannot load, No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' is present ( The solution presented there is to use a remote proxy.

A better option might be to use the CORS whitelist. See Spring ’15 Preview – CORS for the REST API (
Then, under Setup > Administration Setup > Security Controls > CORS you can whitelist the domain.
Ramesh Naidu PRamesh Naidu P

i added is CORS also. but it's not working.
Ramesh Naidu PRamesh Naidu P
Please post sample working code . for consume external api consumsion in salesforce
Hi all - thank you for the reply. We decided on a custom authentication process that involves limiting access to the user logging to the custom services. Then we used a handful of portal users (cost based), assigned to a custom and very limited profile, and assigned a role that would not enherit sharing. After the the user logs in, the portal users take over handling the callouts. The portal user has limited access to data for a limited amount of time by adding the portal user to the public group of the original user. This is short winded, but if anyone has further questions, please let me know.
This was selected as the best answer
Just leaving this here for future searches.  This can be accomplished now with Winter 18 for custom Apex REST services.