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Which is better Salesforce Shield or Cipher cloud?

Best Answer chosen by thisisnotapril
Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher

The boards are not here to do basic research for you - please reach out to these companies and do a good due-dilligence exercise to choose the best suite for your needs.

All Answers

Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher
Depends on what your use cases and needs are Guarav.
Can you please tell me what is the difference between these two.
Andy BoettcherAndy Boettcher

The boards are not here to do basic research for you - please reach out to these companies and do a good due-dilligence exercise to choose the best suite for your needs.
This was selected as the best answer

Salesforce Shield is a product offering from Salesforce that provides data encryption at rest. It sits within the Salesforce cloud, but you have control of your encryption keys. CipherCloud is a third party product that provides data encryption and tokenization at rest and is typically installed on-premise within your company's data center and your keys are managed within that environment. Think of it as a "reverse proxy" where all your SF traffic routes through CipherCloud to encrypt/decrypt data. While they functionally do similar things, both products have merit depending on your specific business' needs. Hope that helps.