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Raneeth KumarRaneeth Kumar 

Trail head challenge error in buttons module

Below is my challenge from navigating buttons and links module.

Add a custom button to a contact.
To pass this challenge, create a custom button which opens a link to '<CONTACT NAME>' - where <CONTACT NAME> is the current contact's name. Then add this button to the default 'Contact Layout'.The custom button must be named 'Google Info'.
The custom button must dynamically insert the contact's name using the appropriate merge field.
The custom button must be added to the 'Contact Layout' page layout.

I hvae done everything , and if I click the button also showing google page with the account holder name.But still getting the below error message.

Challenge Not yet complete... here's what's wrong:
The 'Google Info' custom button was not found. Hint: Make sure that it is a Detail Page Button (not link) and that its added to the page layout.

Yesterday also for one challenge initially it gave error, later I refreshed and check challenge again it was fine.Not sure what is wrong in above case.
Anuj PatelAnuj Patel
Hi Raneeth,

So, I can suggest few things to you, I am sure you have created a button not a link and added the page. Considering that is done well. Please check to see if the name of the Button on the Contact Object is exact the same as mentioned. They have triggers running to check the work we have done in our ORG. It can fail if you have an additional space at the end or beggining. I would suggest you to copy and paste the exact name from Traihead page.
Also, Make sure that you have added that custom button to the contact page layout. 

Please make sure you hit the like button if the answer is helpful and Choose it as a best answer if It solves the issue.


Raneeth KumarRaneeth Kumar
Thanks Anuj, you told me exactly how I did.
Anyway again I have deleted the button and added but still the same error.
Output is as expected in the challenge, is there anything about the link encoding which is by default UNICODE( UTF-8) ?
Jeff DouglasJeff Douglas

Can you provide a screenshot of the "Google Info" detail page button in the page layout? Thanks

Jeff Douglas
Trailhead Developer Advocate
Raneeth KumarRaneeth Kumar
Yea, sure Jeff
Here it comes.

Thanks for your help :) User-added imageUser-added image
Pink bluePink blue
You added the button to account layout, please add it contact layout.
The custom button must be added to the 'Contact Layout' page layout.
saran kumar 9saran kumar 9
how to add the button to "contact layout" page layout

saran kumar 9saran kumar 9
can anyone help me with stepwise process seems i am doing everything right but button does not appear in button section rather it appears in quick link section ....
Patricia WoodsPatricia Woods
I am having the same problem as Saran Kumar 9. My Google Info button shows up in the Custom Links section, not the button section
Patricia WoodsPatricia Woods
Never mind. I found my error. I used the link radio button when I defined the Google Info instead of the button radio button.