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Session ID contention

I have received a report from the field that might suggestion a problem with having more than one session maintained to sfdc at any given time.  I'm not sure this is a problem because things seem to work fine on my system.  However, I have a customer who is observing behaviors that might indicate otherwise.

Here are the circumstances.  I have a product that establishes and maintains a connection to sfdc using WinInet.  Things work fine.  When one of my customers launches IE from outside my product, a new session is created (we think).  This new session appears to be conflicting with the session maintained by my product.

As I said above, it does not conflict running on my systems (naturally ;-)), but it does on the customers.  Has anyone witnessed something like this?  Is there, perhaps, a particular setting within IE that might control the sharing of connections?

Thanks. - Duke

Does this customer have the "Lock Session To IP Address" security setting turned on?  That might explain it.
can you expand on conflicting? what exactly is it that happens when the 2nd session is created?
My guess is that they're passing the same session from IE to the outside product, and the outside product is then trying to use it from a different IP, which is why I asked about the lock sessions to IP setting.