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Custom fields


When I try to add my 13'th field to Opportunities I get the follwing error message:

Custom field limit exceeded
Either you or your organization has exceeded the maximum number of custom fields allowed in the system. Please contact your administrator for more information.

How does that relate to the 250 possible custom fields in our developer edition?

Best regards

/H Nilsson


Hi tssupport,

As you know from other posts in this forum this is a known bug in the Developer Edition.  There will be a patch released soon.  I anticipate the patch to be in production by Monday October 7.

Message Edited by DevAngel on 10-01-2003 08:58 AM


OK, I'm sorry.

I couldn't find that out by searching the other threads.

Is there a "known bugs list" anywhere? That would help a lot.

Best Regards
/H Nilsson
Ki Consulting


Hi tssupport,

I should apologize.  Please forgive my unintensional rebuke.

I might have been handling this issue somewhere else than the forums.  There is no "known bugs" list.  I'll have to consider whether to create one or not.  When we are made aware of bugs, we generally fix them and release the fix in 14 days or less, so the "known bugs" list would be pretty fluid.  Which does not mean that it wouldn't be useful I suppose.