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Problems logging in after migration

I'm developing a web application in Java 1.5, using Studio Creator as an IDE. I use the enterprise WSDL and generated the Java classes with the Axis 1.3 wsdl2java tool. Before SF moved our organization's account, I tried nothing more than logging in to SF through the API (version 7) and succeeded. Now I can't even do that!
In the email Sforce sent me I read that if I followed the best practices to login, nothing would change. I don't know what these practices are, but I followed the guidelines of the sample application:

SforceServiceLocator sloc=new SforceServiceLocator();
binding=(SoapBindingStub) sloc.getSoap();
LoginResult lr=binding.login(un, pw);
binding._setProperty(SoapBindingStub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY,  lr.getServerUrl());
SessionHeader sh = new SessionHeader();
String sforceURI = new  SforceServiceLocator().getServiceName().getNamespaceURI();
binding.setHeader(sforceURI, "SessionHeader", sh);

I get an exception when trying to execute the second line, when calling getSoap():

(java.lang.NoSuchMethodError)java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.axis.description.ParameterDesc.setOmittable(Z)V

I tried to use versions 1.2.1, 1.3 and 1.4 of axis, nothing changed!

The same code used to work until some days ago! Could someone please help me in some way? Am I not following the best practices or simply doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance!
While I'm still hoping someone will chime in with the solution, feel free to contact support - let them know its an NA1 migration issue - we have special processes to escalate those cases.
Adamg, thank you very much for your reply: unfortunately the first thing I did after trying to solve the problem myself was asking the support team, as suggested in the emails SF sent to inform about the migration! It's three or four days I'm waiting for an answer!
But I'll try again! Thank you again!
I couldn't find a case associated to your email; can you private message me the contact info you filed the case under so that I can escalate it?


I am getting the same problem when trying to use a axis generated locator class in weblogic. Here is the source code:

AccpWSLocator locator = new AccpWSLocator();

AccpWSSoap soap = locator.getaccpWSSoap();

ArrayOfSProduct array = soap.getProducts();

SProduct sproducts[] = array.getSProduct();

int count = sproducts.length;

It says the following:

An error has occured:

The apache documentation says "Put saaj.jar before weblogic libraries" in the classpath. But this does not resolve the issue.




HI! I don't know whether it could solve your problem, but I generated the stub classes again: I put the same axis jars used for generation inside the deployed application and it worked! By the way, I used axis 1.3.1.