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connecting eclipse to salesforce instance

I'm using Eclipse for the very first time.  I've installed Eclipse.  How do I connect to our SalesForce sandbox using Eclipse?

You need to change the end point.

From Package explorer right mouse click the package name and select Properties.

From the Properties window click on Apex.  In the box for SOAP END POINT change the to

Click Apply, Click ok

Exit Elcips and restart when you open that new package you are now connected to your Sandbox.




Thanks for replying to my post.  This is literally the first time I've opened and attempted to use Eclipse.  I just installed it.  So, there is no package defined in the Package Explorer.  How do I create a new package so I can point to 

Instructions for installing the plugin are on the wiki

Thanks  Simon...

I'm downloading and installing.  I tried to select the Web Standard Tools, but recieved the following error:

JST Enterprise Core (1.5.4.v200704150248--2PD88S8JBPAV88) requires feature "org.eclipse.emf.ecore.sdo (2.2.0)", or equivalent.

How do I select if I want to develop in the production or sandbox?


After I finished the download and install and selected Window >> Open Perspective >>, I recieved the error:

Problems opening perspective 'com.salesforce.toolkit.perspective'


Hi There,

Did you ever manage to solve this problem, as I am in the same boat now.


Anuj PatelAnuj Patel
So, I see its an old post and you might have got your answer anyways Dman100.

Still for all those who google and comes to this page.
I guess the answer should be,
 Importing data from salesforce into eclipse IDE 

OPen Eclipse IDE,
  •       Click on File--> New--> Project--> Enter your salesforce login Credentials with Security token, if your salesforce login is a sandbox, then select Environment type as "Sandbox ",other wise select as prodution/Developer  and click on Next,

    Then it will show all of your apex clasees and triggers,pages  and select all and clcik on finish

Then copy of organization created in Eclipse IDE.


Anuj Patel
(Help to save someone's time :), so that they can go play with their kids.)

Cheryl L @ MercuryCheryl L @ Mercury
When I go to Project, it tells me the wizard is not available.  I had to re-install Eclipse and I can not get to my classes and triggers (I need to delete them in Production.
Muhammad ifrahimMuhammad ifrahim
Anuj Patel
If i Select Sandbox did it copy hole of my Project Copies or if I want a Specific one to my Sandbox how can i Achieve????
Alan MarcusAlan Marcus
If you select Sandbox (or Production) Eclipse (neon) will default to copying all metadata.  If you want to isolate some of your work and only work on that, I suggest adding that work to a package, then just copy that package over instead of default everything when you create the project.  Salesforce DX can help with this, but its only available on Windows at the moment (other DL links for Mac + Linux are not working)

Also clicking on File>New>Project>Other..  this will bring up a option to create the project.
Björn Skrzipek 8Björn Skrzipek 8
No need to bother with Eclipse anymore, as the IDE has been turned down and is now accessed via Visual Studio Code.

See here:

Kind Regards