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update case owner name

I need to update the owner on 242  cases.  We have a custom field in the cases object that contains an internal user's alias 'JSMITH' that would signify 'John Smith'.  The 242 cases need to update the owner field with the full name identified by the custom field alias name.  So, if the custom field contains 'JSMITH' then the case owner would need to be updated to 'John Smith'.
What would be the easiest and most efficient way to handle this batch update?
Thank you.
I'd go through the Excel Connector.
Just query the Cases table, and for your query string look for "custom field = "JSMITH""
Then go in and find the UID of John Smith in your Org, and paste that in the Case Owner row, drag that field down across the rest of the fields, and then update the table.