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Loading Converted Leads Through Data Loader

Hi All,
Can we load converted leads using data loader? if yes, then how can we do it ?  i have tried loading the same by making IsConverted field to True and then load it, but every time i get an error saying "Converted Account empty for a Converted Lead". Then i also tried loading it by giving Company Field but i got the same error again. So if anyone can provide me with some input regarding this, it will be really grateful.
Thanks in Advance,
Bharat Baradia.
Best Answer chosen by Admin (Salesforce Developers) 

Hi Bharat,


I am looking for the solution for this question. I have similar kind of scenario when migrating salesforce data from one instance to other. let me know if you got to found the solution for this one.




Message Edited by raj161 on 08-04-2009 01:26 PM

All Answers


Hi Bharat,


I am looking for the solution for this question. I have similar kind of scenario when migrating salesforce data from one instance to other. let me know if you got to found the solution for this one.




Message Edited by raj161 on 08-04-2009 01:26 PM
This was selected as the best answer

This link might be of use.


Loading Converted Lead