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Edgar (solcom)Edgar (solcom) 

Salesforce Doubts

Hi Everybody.
I have been with some clients intersten on implement and here they are:
1.- Is it possible to create a PDF file from a custom report?
2.- The size of the attached files could be higher than 5 MB?
3.- Is it posible to extract information from an external Database by adding a custom icon and post that information in the opportunity screen before saving?
4.- Is it possible to create a memo custom filed in the Notes & Attachments related list?
Thank you all for your time to answer this Post
Edgar Cruz
Correct me if Im wrong here, but Salesforce is mostly a place to store your data, give a uniform GUI and it gives you industry standard ways to move that data in or out any way you need to. I have an internal doing some fancy stuff that I wasnt able to get Professional Edition to do to my satisfaction.

A 5 meg text report is a HUGE PDF file, Ive got a 200 page PDF report with 10 columns and its under a meg. Are you talking 1000 page reports?

Enterprise Edition should give you all the flexiblity to handle all of those issues numerous ways.

Edgar (solcom)Edgar (solcom)
Believe it or not, there is a company that handles PDF files with more than 1000 pages. Those files must be attached into a Case, I know that it sounds like a lot but that is the way the work.
Currently I need to create some kind of process that catch an XML files with people's information and to post it into a Case, I mean a button that extract the information to my case windows, do you know how can I solve this issue???
About reports I would like to know if there is a way to convert or export them into PDF files, because I just can see the CSV and XLS formats.
Thank you again.
Hi Edgar:

Can you elaborate the use case you have for the XML file and Cases?

Error Occurred: This error occurred when the flow tried to look up records: FROM Treatment_Plan__c WHERE ((Patient__c = 'asdfg')) LIMIT 1 ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:54 invalid ID field: asdfg. You can look up ExceptionCode values in the SOAP API Developer Guide.
Here Treatment_Plan__c and Patient__c have Master Lookup.Also we are trying to create a Patient from Treatment Plan if it doesn't exists.and then Saving Treatment_Plan__c record These are done in flow.Please Help!!!
Migrate ORGMigrate ORG
Hi Everyone ,

I just wrote a simple batch apex which will update account names with some text but its not working , could anyone suggest is there any mistake in SOQL? 
Please note I am just taking accounts which are starting from AccountTest and updating those records and following is my code:
global class BatchApexExample implements Database.Batchable<sObject> {
    global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext BC){
        string accRecords = 'AccountTest';
        String query = 'Select Name From Account WHERE Name LIKE \' '+accRecords+' %\'';
        return Database.getQueryLocator(query);
    global void execute(Database.BatchableContext BC,List<Account> accList){
        for(Account accToUpdate : accList){
            update accList;
        catch(Exception e){
    global void finish(Database.BatchableContext BC){


Thanks in Advance!
Ramirez EliseoRamirez Eliseo
The key skills that you need to have to include: knowledge of basic object-oriented programming, knowledge of C# and JavaScript , and a strong design background. Aside from being able to write code, you also need to have the necessary skills to manage and model data.