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Custom New Record Link From Account Detail Pages

I thought I had this figured out...worked great on other objects. I am trying to create a URL that pulls basic info from Accounts and creates a new record in the related object. No matter what I do I cant get any data other than the Account lkID and name to come into the new record. Here is my last attempt:{!Account.Name}&CF00N50000001LKWX_lkid={!Account.Id}&00N50000001LA6Z={!Account.OwnerFullName}

00N50000001LA6Z - this field is a Sales Rep lookup field on the related object. I just want the Account Owner to populate this field.

What am I doing wrong?

Similar FUN... Custom Object with a Lookup relation to a Contact. When I send an email from the custom object I NEED the Contact name/email populating the emails To field.

Currently the field is not named "Contact", Ill try to change the field name to Contact and see if that carries it over to the email.

Nope, naming the lookup field in the custom Object Contact didnt work.

If I were to switch to Enterprise Ed, how would this issue be handled? Easier...possible?

This is making me crazy that I cant do something so simple. All I want to do is eliminate as much re-keying/re-selecting Lookup Fields as possible. So far Im batting zero from the Accounts object to a custom object.