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Eclipse 3.3 api 12.0 - INVALID_LOGIN

Hello Everyone,
I am having problems getting started with eclipse. I have installed the plug-in for eclipse 3.3. When I try to create my first project I get INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username, password, security token; or user locked out.
The security token has been reset and have appended my password to the left of the token.  The SOAP endpoint that I am using is
I really don't have a clue what I am missing
Would appreciate any help, suggestions.
thank you,
If you login through the browser, what does login history show for the failed login attempt ?
If you paste the security token on the end of the password field and leave the Security Token field blank that *might* work, but I don't think it'll work the other way around. In any case, neither is the right way to do it. When you first create a project, use the Create New Project dialog.

1. Enter your org ID in the Username field.
2. Enter your password in the Password field.
3. Paste your security token in the Security Token field.

If you need to change connection values (reset Security Token), use Project Properties.