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Query Error In the API

I am trying to run a query via the API, but I am running into an error - I was hoping someone could help me out.    I am trying to query for lead records with the following query:
Select AnnualRevenue, City, Company, Country, Email, HasOptedOutOfEmail, Fax, FirstName, Name, Id, LeadSource, MobilePhone, Phone, Rating, Salutation, State, Status, Street, Title, Website, PostalCode, Owner.Name From Lead where LastActivityDate>=2008-03-04T22:02:00Z AND Email like  '%@%' AND IsConverted=false
I get the following error back from the API:
INVALID_FIELD:  PostalCode,Owner.Name From Lead where LastActivityDate>=2008-03-04T22:02:00Z                                       ^ ERROR at Row:1:Column:209 value of filter criterion for field 'LastActivityDate' must be of type date and should not be enclosed in quotes.
I was wondering why I'm getting this error, since the filter value I have for LastActivityDate is not enclosed in quotes in my query.
I can run the exact same query, replacing LastActivityDate with LastModifiedDate, with no problem at all:
Select AnnualRevenue, City, Company, Country, Email, HasOptedOutOfEmail, Fax, FirstName, Name, Id, LeadSource, MobilePhone, Phone, Rating, Salutation, State, Status, Street, Title, Website, PostalCode, Owner.Name From Lead where LastModifiedDate>=2008-03-04T22:02:00Z AND Email like  '%@%' AND IsConverted=false
Thank you,

LastActivityDate is a date, not a date filter, your filter value should be a date (e.g. 2008-03-08)
That's what I was missing, thank you!
(I'm still working on the other thread of the "not like" filter, and will reply to that one with my progress)