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Can the API's be used to set up a web-facing knowledgebase of SalesForce Solution objects?

I've asked this before but didn't get much of a reply.

We have a number of Solutions in our knowledgebase and would like to offer the published ones to our users via a web interface.  The web GUI would provide the ability of our customers to search the knowledgebase based on user-entered keywords.

Is this possible with the SalesForce API?  Has anyone done something like this before?  The alternative is to create our own database with Solution information, provide a searchable web-front end to that, develop a way to copy solutions from our db into SalesForce via the API, copy the Solution ID from SalesForce back into our database, copy the Published fields from within SalesForce back out to our database.  Obviously, I'm looking for an easier method than this.



Can the API's be used in this way?  Yes... But do you really want to? 

The better route would be to setup the Public Knowledge base to have the published solutions searchable from your website.  From within SalesForce go to Setup | Customize | Solutions | Public Knowledge Base. 



Chris Lively