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Product's Schedule not applied when creating OpportunityLineItem
I have a product set up with a quantity and revenue schedule and have it assigned to a new price book.
When I add this product into an Opportunity through the salesforce web site, the quantity and revenue schedule are applied.
However, through the sforce API, when I create an OpportunityLineItem within this same opportunity and set the PricebookEntryId to the entry for this same product, the quantity and revenue schedules are NOT applied.
What am I missing that I cannot create an OpportunityLineItem and have the quantity and revenue schedules applied automatically as it does through the web site?
Has anybody tried creating OpportunityLineItems and assigned to PricebookEntries that have Quantity and/or Revenue Schedules?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Message Edited by Harmpie on 06-05-2007 03:53 AM
Hope this helps.