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Product's Schedule not applied when creating OpportunityLineItem


I have a product set up with a quantity and revenue schedule and have it assigned to a new price book.

When I add this product into an Opportunity through the salesforce web site, the quantity and revenue schedule are applied.

However, through the sforce API, when I create an OpportunityLineItem within this same opportunity and set the PricebookEntryId to the entry for this same product, the quantity and revenue schedules are NOT applied.

What am I missing that I cannot create an OpportunityLineItem and have the quantity and revenue schedules applied automatically as it does through the web site?





Has anybody tried creating OpportunityLineItems and assigned to PricebookEntries that have Quantity and/or Revenue Schedules?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Still trying to duplicate this.
So when you create an OpportunityLineItem through the API, it DOES correctly create the OpportunityLineItemSchedules?

This posting looks old, but I'm having the same issue. Any update on this?
Same here. Have a product with an automatic revenue schedule (at least when you enter it through webinterface), when used as Opportunity line item by an S Control, I would expect the schedule also to be automatically generated...this does not happen ! Any news on this ? The subject seems kinda dusty, but the issue has NOT been fixed.

Message Edited by Harmpie on 06-05-2007 03:53 AM

The schedule has to be imported seperately.  It is listed in the Data Loader as "Line Item Schedule", and it requires that you import the Opportunity Product first.

Hope this helps.
In my case : I am not importing. I am creating an Opportunity product with an S-Control, I would expect the same logic for this product to be triggered then, just as it would adding the product through the webinterface.
I am having the same issue.  I'm trying to add OpportunityLineItems through Apex but the schedules are not getting created.  I could program the logic to generate the schedules but that's obviously not the preferred solution.  If the same logic occurred automatically as it did through the web interface that would be preferred.
I´m with kjpeterson here. Using the API schedule settings for a product should be applied when creating OpportunityLineItems, just like validation rules and workflows will be triggered.