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miss vmiss v 

Deploy or Create New Fields based on Data

I am the SFDC administrator for our company, and recently I was asked about some fuctionality and I'm not sure if it is possible.

If we have the each state listed with a checkbox, and a particular state is checked as active, can we activate new fields regarding details to that state (how many employees, languages needed,etc).  So that we have the data for each "active" state, but we are bogged down with all these fields for every state - they are only visible (either by hyperlink, or in the page layout iself) if the checkbox is checked?

I tried looking up information on Apex triggers, but I don't think that is what I should be looking at.

Any help?
What you're suggesting is not quite possible yet.  The exception is with Record Types.  You can use a Record Type to switch on a broad swath of the page.

An example of record types would be on Case – let's say you have a Billing record type and a Support Issue record type.  The Billing record type would use a page layout that shows billing info, like the disputed bill amount, the disputed bill date, etc.  The support issue record type would display other stuff like the type of problem, but not any billing information.

So have a look into the docs about record types.  That may accomplish some of what you need.
miss vmiss v
thanks for the info.  we actually do make use of the record types, but it doesn't allow me to dynamically chage the page layout to display more fields based on a pick-list or such.

i did find out that it isn't possible, except with the Visual Force code.  There is a sample here that i'm going to try and and make heads or tails of:
