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How to setup web-to-lead for multiple web pages
Our company has 2 distinct products with 2 distinct websites (unique URLs). We are trying to set up a web-to-lead form for each one of these sites so that the leads that are generated are correspondingly separated and we can set up 2 different custom reports, per product. How do we do this?
Message Edited by bsamii on 08-18-2008 04:13 AM
Message Edited by bsamii on 08-18-2008 04:13 AM
bsamii I dont know if you've already accomplished what you wanted... but perhaps you would like to try this from the appexchange...
Multiple Web2Lead ;)
All Answers
Create a new custom field on the Lead Object, which will define the source of the lead (WebSite1, WebSite2...)
Add this field to your web2lead formular when generating it. After generation, change the HTML code to make it hidden and change the value of that input tag to be filled with the correct value (WebSite1 for your first website, WebSite2 for the second).
In your reports, add a filter on your custom source field
bsamii I dont know if you've already accomplished what you wanted... but perhaps you would like to try this from the appexchange...
Multiple Web2Lead ;)
If you are looking for advanced email to lead conversion app which does following
1. Configure data elements for parsing using simple configuration page (instead of coding)
2. Support multiple email templates/formats (includes html format)
3. Set default values to lead fields (e.g. for record type, Lead source, Campaign)
4. Attach lead to a campaign
5. Process attachments
6. Simulate parsing of text to Lead (Built in simulator)
7. Extensive Error/Warning reporting
Then try Email2LeadPro AppExchange package:
More details at: