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Link a field under Accounts to a field under Contacts.

I am trying to link a field under Accounts to a field under Contacts.
Ex. I have a Touch Frequancy field (picklist) at the account level, however I am trying to create a field that mirrors the data from the account level to the contact level. If you have any suggestions or answeres on how I can do this please let me know. Thanks!
How do you want to use the Touch Frequency field in the Contact?  If it is for display, why not simply use the new mini-layout for hovers over links to show the data from the Contact page?

Duplicating data can bring issues, such as deciding what to do when one source of data changes.  It is usually best practice to have a single data representation for a single value.

Hope this helps.

- Rick Greenwald
Developer Evangelist
I want it there just as a displayed field. The reason behind this is we are creating a campaign on who we would like to contact each Quarter, and you select the clients for the Campaign at the contact level. We would like to see the touch frequancy of the account at the contact level.