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Field Dependencies - Field Depending on two other Fields

Hi Everyone
I have a requirement on field dependencies and want some suggestions on the same. I have three picklist fields (Service Area, Zip-Code, Facility), when i select Loans from Service Area and some code say 1234 from Zip-Code, it should show only few options ( say Home Loans, Edu Loans) and not all options( Home Loans, Edu Loans, Business Loans, Amt Transaction, etc) to select fom the picklist of Facility and if i select Loans from Service Area and say 4567 from Zip-Code, it should show only few options ( say Business Loans, Amt Transaction) and not all( Home Loans, Edu Loans, Business Loans, Amt Transactionc, etc) to select fom the picklist of Facility. so basically the facility picklist depends on two fields Service Area and Zip-Code. But in field Dependencies i could find that, one field can depend on one field only. So if there is any other way to resolve this issue, please let me know.
Thanks in advance.