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solution / categorydata relationships

this seems like a very simple thing, but i have yet to figure out how to "join" solutions to solution categories or even categorydata to categorynodes.  apex explorer 8 indicates the child relationships but soql complains about everything i have tried, as if the relationships don't really exist or are not accessable.

can anyone paste in a soql query that accomplishes this or point me in the right direction?

something like:
SELECT cn.MasterLabel, s.SolutionName
FROM CategoryNode cn
INNER JOIN CategoryData cd ON cd.CategoryNodeID=cn.ID
INNER JOIN Solution s ON s.Id=cd.RelatedSobjectID

or, if this query just isn't possible, what are you guys doing to accomplish

many thanks
anyone? ....
the FKs on categoryData aren't enabled for SOQL-R, so you're not going to be able to do this in one query.