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retrieve call only returns Event if assigned to logged in user


I noticed an inconsistency between query and retrieve calls when invoked on Events (and possibly Tasks).

A query call on an event, such as the following, returns the event data as expected.

from Event where Id =

However, a retrieve call on the same event as above, only works if the event is actually assigned to the user making the SForce call. If the event is assigned to a different user, the retrieve call seems to return null.

Is this a bug?

I am using the SForce 4.0 API in Java with Apache's Axis project.



Hi shun,

This is a new one for me.  Is there any additional information that you can provide to shed more light on this?  Does it happen all the time on all events?  Can you provide the soap messages for each call?



I just hit this one like a brick wall... I'm opening a case on it now but the details are basically this: (Haven't tried to replicate in my dev environment -- I have this on my live account now...)

  1. Event is in the system created by user "x" for user "y" (y=owner) (x happens to be admin, but y's calendar permissions are set Full for the Entire Org.)
  2. User "z" makes a DescribeSObject call on the Event table and builds a list of fields to use in subsequent calls...
  3. User "z" attempts to Retrieve() the event using it's 15 character ID and returns a single null (.NET API)
  4. User "z" apptempts to Query() the event using the same ID and is successful.
  5. Admin user "y" grants admin privs for user "z"
  6. User "z" attempts steps 2/3 again and is successful.

Dave, if you want to look at the case itself it is 00334180.