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Question regarding Record Types

My name is Fred Sakr and I'm a developer with Eloqua Corporation.
I have a question regarding Record Types in SalesForce.Com. We're creating a Custom Object with different layouts for each Record Type. The Custom Object is going to be shared among several installations and we'll be creating/updating the custom objects using the SFDC API.

Please note that the Record Type is not related to an Profile/Agent, but to a specific type of Custom Object, ie: Email Metrics, WebSite Metrics, Form Metrics, where the master Object contains the exhaustive list of all metrics.
We're having trouble finding a common way to change the layout for each SFDC installation (not based on Agent). Since the Record Type ID is unique in each installation we have to customize the record type in each client map. We would rather have a common list of recordType IDs for all clients - or change layouts based on a common list.
Is there a way to trigger a layout based on a Record Type Name or something that is common between SFDC installations? Is it possible to have the same Record Type IDs used between different installations?

Fred Sakr
Application Developer
Phone: (416) 849-3551
Cell: (416) 879-4322

Eloqua Corporation
553 Richmond St West
Toronto ON M5V 1Y6

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Ron HessRon Hess
Q: Is there a way to trigger a layout based on a Record Type Name or something that is common between SFDC installations?

you will have to query the record type table, using the name then get the ID for that record type at that customer.

Q: Is it possible to have the same Record Type IDs used between different installations?

No, it is not