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Deepak PansariDeepak Pansari 

Any alternate query for (Select * from Lead)

Hi All,

I want to fetch all the field of Lead object without specified column name like

Lead l = select name, city from lead where id=xxxxxxxxxx; [ not want ]

I want some thing like

Lead I = select * from lead where id =xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Please help me .

Thanks in advance
Deepak Pansari
David GorslineDavid Gorsline
This is the way we did it, a couple of versions ago. There may be a simpler way now.

Do a .describeSObjects() on the Lead object. This call returns an array of DescribeSObjectResult[]. Loop through that array and access the array of Field[] for each element of the array. Then loop through the inner array and append a field name to your query expression for each field that you find.