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Sean DaggerSean Dagger 

Scontrol Help Icon

Within SalesForce standard pages, there is a help icon that when you hover over the gif, it provides tiptext help.
I have been asked to replicate this feature within an Scontrol in a custom built page.  How can I reference the help button and populate the help text via an Scontrol?
I am new to SalesForce and all this code.  Say I built a custom layout page and want to reference one of the help fields in the standard page layout (ie, email address), how would I capture the id/text in that field to display on the custom page using the sControl?

Many thanks if you can help me resolve this.


Many thanks for your help

Message Edited by Sean Dagger on 09-17-2007 05:27 AM

Sean, were you able to resolve this?  I'm attempting to do the same thing with very little luck so far.
Sean DaggerSean Dagger


No I have not yet resolved this as I moved onto other tasks.  But I am still eager to find out any solutions anyone has to offer?
